Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Michael Benson Tops Noms for Extra's Academy Awards with 5 Nods.

Lisa Gelaso in Crash (white shirt, background)

On March 31, 2006, the Hometown Buffet in Burbank, Ca will host the 25 Annual Extra's Academy Awards. The ten-hour annual awards ceremony recognizes excellence in blending into the background of motion pictures. Michael Benson leads all nominees with 15 nominations including Best Extra on a Cell Phone, Best Male Eating Dinner at an Adjacent Table, Best Extra Getting into Cab right before Starring Actor at Terminal, Best Henchman Guarding Compound, and Best Irritated customer (non-speaking). Benson has appeared in 27 movies this year.

"To be recognized for doing the job of not being recognized is truly wonderful. It is a testament to my talent that I was so forgettable, " said Benson.

Lisa Gelaso is the top female nominee garnering 14 nods. Including 3 for her role as a lady in a chic restaurant in Elizabethtown. She is also nominated for Best Bystander Discussing Crime Scene to Neighbor for her role in Crash.

There are 143 categories in this year's awards including new categories Best Animated Extra and Best Extra Partially Cut from Shot. Tune into to for a live feed of the event to see if your favorite extra brings home a Golden Nobody statue.


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